• History


          XLV Romuald Traugutt High School began its existence on September 1st, 1954, as an eleven-year-old XVIII Primary School and High School T.P.D. (commonly called as XVIII Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Dzieci School) with the head teacher Mrs. Jadwiga Puchalska (1954-1956).

          It was located in a new building on Smocza 6 Street, which was designed according to Scandinavian architecture. It contained a lot of wooden elements which created cosy atmosphere. In this period of time, Wola district was developing very intensively; there were many new and young citizens, it resulted in a great number of students. The classes were big, with fifty students in each and children were going to school on three shifts.

          On March 23rd, 1957, the National Council of Warsaw decided to transfer XVIII Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Dzieci School into Primary School and High School number 45 stating that “until the final decision of names it is not demanded to change the stamps. When there is a necessity of changing the number, one should do that handmade on existing stamps.”

          On October 12th, 1958, the Primary School and the High School on Smocza 6 Street was given the name of Romuald Traugutt, the January Uprising hero. Students were given the banner which was founded by parents. The event took place on the hills of Warsaw Citadel, the place of Traugutt’s execution. Since that day the first grade students have vowed using the words:

          ‘’I promise to be a decent student of Romuald Traugutt High School. I promise to study well, keep the honour and dignity of my school. By my work, education and behavior, I promise to serve my Country.”

          In the same year with the decision of The Education Office, our school received the name of XLV Romuald Traugutt Primary School and High School.

          On January 22nd, 1963, during the one hundredth anniversary of The January Uprising, ‘’the Board of School introduces the custom of wearing the sign with the words: Romuald Traugutt High School.”

          In 1964 the main hall was separated and joined with Primary School number 170 on Smocza 19 Street. From then on, the students of XLV Romuald Traugutt High School activated extra classes like scouting, ZMS or study groups. More ambitious tasks were carried out by the theatre “Hulki Babulki”. Within time, students got many sport and subjects contests prizes. Students began to learn better and better. The High School climbed the educational ranks being among top High Schools in Warsaw.

          In 1977 XLV Romuald Traugutt High School received a new location and it was moved to a building on Miła Street, to so called ‘’tysiąclatka”, the school built as part of the One Thousand Schools on One Thousand Anniversary of Polish Country action. These are the students’ comments describing the school:

          ‘’What to say (…) we don’t like the Miła building very much. Tysiąclatka, big, deaf with PCW tiles on the hall (…). It is nothing like ours, small, cosy, nice school in which we have always felt comfortable. Here on Miła there are so many halls. It will take too much time to go from the gym to the lab.”

          Each year the school welcomed new students and teachers, said goodbye to graduates and some teachers, changed the head teachers. The changes weren’t frequent; however, after the head teacher Mrs. Jadwiga Starzycka-Głowacka (1956-1973) retired, the changes happened quite often. The school celebrated its twentieth anniversary with the head teacher Mr. Artur Sztyka (1973-1978), the twenty-fifth anniversary with the head teacher Mr. Janusz Beck (1978-1984) and the vice-head teacher Mrs. Elżbieta Piskorska, the thirtieth anniversary with the head teacher Mrs. Janina Szwajkowska (1984-1989). The thirty-fifth as well as fiftieth anniversary XLV Romuald Traugutt High School celebrated with the head teacher Mrs. Grażyna Chludzińska (1989-2011).

          During the forty-fifth school anniversary Mrs. Grażyna Chludzińska said very important words to students, which became the school’s motto.

          ‘’School is not a building; students, teachers and their relationship create school”